Exodus 35:1 - 40:38
Pastors Curtis Taylor and Wendi Wood
March 21st, 2020
Is it a coincidence that the name of this portion is “VaYakhel” (He assembled) & “Pekudei” (Counting)?
This contrast of gathering during a time when the world is telling everyone to stay inside, isolate, do not assemble in groups greater than 10 (counting). This is also a census year, and in our last portion, “Ki Tisa” there was a census and a payment of a half shekel to prevent a plague. What??? How does this connect with our lives right now, today?
This is a new moon sabbath; please take a few moments to reflect over the past month and give glory for the provision and protection Yahweh has brought to your lives.
What materials were needed for the building of the tabernacle? (Chapter 35:5-9) I counted 14; 2 are not obvious. i.e. Gold, silver, bronze, . . .
Discuss the significance of some or all of the items that were being made for the tabernacle. Is more time spent on describing the attributes of the men creating these items or rather the items that they made?
For the Tabernacle
Dwelling Place - Tent, Covering, hooks, boards, bars, columns, and sockets
Ark with poles - Lid of Atonement with the Cherubim
Veil of the Covering - Table & Poles, Utensils, & Showbread
Lampstand, utensils, lamps, & oil - Incense Slaughter-Place, poles, anointing oil, sweet incense
Covering for the door at the entrance to the Dwelling Place
Slaughter Place (of ascending offering), bronze grating, poles, utensils, basins, & stand
Screens of courtyard, columns, sockets, & covering for the gate of the courtyard
Pegs of the Dwelling Place, pegs of the courtyard, & their cords
For the Priests
Woven Garments for service in the Set-Apart place
Set-apart Garments for Aharon & for his sons to serve as priests
The following are some mindsets that we can choose during this great time of personal testing. Contrast these according to the Word.
World Mindset
“Any day can be a sabbath” or “I am just going to do this one thing this sabbath, but next week I’ll gather. . .”
Hoarding food, supplies, etc.
Does this mean if we are not wise in heart, Yahweh cannot use us to build His tabernacle?
Without them, how are we joined?
How does the world measure us? Do we all have the same value?
What are we covered in?
I need to take care of my house first
Kingdom Mindset
Guard the sabbath - Exodus 35
Voluntary Offerings - Exodus 36 - Give your best-silver, gold, fine linens (Where did these come from? How were the people prepared to build Yahweh’s tabernacle?)
The Wise-Hearted Ones were used in the building of Yah’s tabernacle - Exodus 36
These wise-hearted joined the curtains together. Exodus 36
All curtains have one measure - Exodus 36
Set-apart garments for his priests to wear - Exodus 35
Serve in Yahweh’s house - Exodus 36 - 40
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