Exodus 27:20 - 30:10
Pastor Mike Wuertemburg
March 14th, 2020
Ezekiel 43:10-27
Philipians 4:10-20
Exodus 34:14 For you are to bow down to no other god, because Adonai is jealous for His Name — He is a jealous God.
Jealous קנא H7065, 7067
To protect, watch over, to guard
To provoke to jealousy, envy, jealous anger
What causes jealousy?
Insecurity-the feeling of not being good enough
Not having what others have
Comparing oneself with others
Proverbs 4:23 So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.
Yeshua said:
Luke 6:45 “Out of the good treasure of his heart the good man brings forth good, and out of evil the evil man brings forth evil. For from the overflow of the heart his mouth speaks.”
Heart לנ H3820 - The lamed represents authority, the b means a tent/house representing what is inside. Combined these mean "authority/instruction inside". The consciousness of man is seen as coming from deep inside the chest, the heart. Thirst as an Inside desire for water. (eng: life; love; liver - the seat of passion; lava)
לננ Lay-bawb H3824
The organ that pumps blood. The heart is also seen as the seat of thought and emotion, the mind.
To be wise of heart
The heart determines our behavior, the direction in which we go, and the choices we make.
What happens when we give YHWH our heart?
We are giving complete control over all the decisions we make and the directions we take in life
To truly give YHWH our heart, we also need to know His heart
This is why we need to guard “shamar” our heart with all diligence “netsor”
Both words, shamar and netsor mean “to keep” or “to watch over.”
They come at different angles
Shamar means to keep watch as “to guard” or “to beware,” while netsor means to keep watch as in “to guard and conceal” in order to scrutinize.
Scrutinizing our heart will keep us from making foolish choices.
Matthew 6:21 For your heart will always pursue what you value as your treasure.