About Us
Beit Lechem began as a small bible study in Pastors Curtis and Karen's backyard in 2002. Since that time, Beit Lechem has shared space with The Church of the Nativity on the Redlands, rented out an old theater-turned-gym in downtown Fruita, and finally realized the vision of purchasing land for its own building in 2009. Sadly, this building was almost completely destroyed inside by an act of arson in 2020. Through God's good provision and grace, nobody was harmed, and the facility was completely rebuilt within nine months - just in time to celebrate the fall feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)!
Please come join us any sabbath at 11am for worship, teaching and fellowship. See for yourself the goodness of our God!
Who We Are Today
Beit Lechem is a Hebrew word meaning "House of Bread," and literally, "Bethlehem".
Beit Lechem Ministries is comprised of people from many walks of life and different spiritual backgrounds, called together for a singular purpose - to know our God more intimately and to make Him known. For the most part, we are a tight-knit community of Bible believers who follow the yearly Torah cycle that God's people have kept through the centuries. We celebrate a Saturday Sabbath and all the Biblical Feasts to the best of our understanding and ability, using Messiah as our example in all things.
We teach the whole Bible. We teach and practice Torah. “The Torah” is a term most commonly used to refer to the first five books of the Bible, also known as the Books of Moses. The term “Torah” means “God’s Teaching and Instruction”, but is most commonly misnamed and mistranslated as “the Law”. When it comes down to it, however, God’s Teaching and Instruction is Genesis through Revelation - all of Scripture, with the Books of Moses setting the foundation that all else is built upon.
We teach and practice Torah - all of Scripture, as viewed through the foundational teachings in order to gain a more full understanding of the teachings and God himself as we seek to walk closer with Him each day.
Fire-Damaged Sanctuary