Exodus 13:17 - 17:16
January 21st - 27th
Yahweh becomes the Guide to the Children, Joseph is honored; It’s all about His presence; Cloud & Fire. Just this section alone has three different examples of our lives; “Murmuring, grumbling, complaining”, all Evil Tongue, La shon Hara. I think we are just like them. Oh, plus there are many signs & wonders. Is that for the believers or the unbelievers? We also have water from the Rock, Yeshua (1Cor 10:4) & the Tree of Life; “Etz Chaim”. Haftarah: Judges 4.4-5.31; Just as the God fearing Moses went to Battle and God prevailed, Devorah was God’s anointed and God miraculously confused and prevailed over the Canaanites and Yahweh prevailed. A Good Summary see Isaiah 43:15-20