Genesis 47:28 - 50:26
january 5th - 11th
Note: Click each scripture reference to read the passage. Click each Strongs reference to access the Hebrew word definition.
Related Passages
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I truly believe this is one of the most important understandings as to how you can be adopted into Israel. It is neither Greek nor Jew but this Spirit of Adoption, has chosen the First Born for the First Fruits offering.
Joseph is a type and shadow of Jesus/Yeshua HaMashiach and the Bride’s Journey. These last 4 studies give us the life of Joseph and a picture of Yeshua, and also a picture of the Bride, YOU!! It is also the depth of His anointing and his 3 realms of imprisonment; (Babylon‘s three divisions; Revelation 16:19). His obedience is HIS deliverance; it is the “Yeshua Life” alive in YOU! A Few Hebrew Definitions
A Few Hebrew Definitions
Egypt, H4714 מצרים Mitzrayim: Egypt or Egyptians
Abel-Mizraim, H67אבל מצרי ם Abel Mitsrayim: Mourning of Egyptians
Coffin, H727 ארן / ארון ârôn: A box of dead bones; Or an ark where the Witness of the Life, Yeshua Lives. Which one are you? (Genesis 50:26)
Vow, H7650 שבע Shaba: vow or oath, we are the children of an Oath!! ̂
Sons, H1121 בן Bên: translated as ‘children’ referring to all of Israel.
Seed, H2233 זרע Zera: seed, sowing, offspring, sown into woman or earth, spiritual.
Virgin, H1330 בתולה Bethulah: beth-oo-law'; separate, holy chaste, unto Yahweh.