Exodus 25:1 - 27:19
February 23rd - March 1st
Note: Click each scripture reference to read the passage. Click each Strongs reference to access the Hebrew word definition.
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Ha Mishkan: The Tabernacle. This is where God dwells, and loves it, as in Psalm 26:8. In the beginning of Parasha Terumah (Exodus 25:1-7), God tells Moshe (Moses) to collect donations from all Israel for the building materials of the Tabernacle. He mentions the specific materials that they should bring such as gold, silver, copper, turquoise, & wool. Why must they bring specific materials?
God give His design for the tabernacle, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies. Every detail is laid out. Every piece has a specific purpose and function. Did you know that God also has a detailed plan, purpose, and function for your life?
A Few Hebrew Definitions
Sanctuary, H4720 מקדש miqdâsh: sacred place, holy place, of the temple
Tabernacle, H4908 משכן mishkân: Temple, dwelling place of YHVH. (Not made with HANDS!)
Dwell, H7931 שכן shâkan: to settle down, abide, dwell, tabernacle, reside in.
Among, H8432 תוך tavek: midst, middle, bisection, to place Yahweh in the very midst of YOU & Israel!
Lamp stand or candlestick, H4501 מנורה Menorah: Men=the king, Melek, Or=light, ah=Yah.
Bread, H3899 לחם Lechem: bread, food, grain. Spiritual Bread, Bread of Life, Yeshua.
Teach, H2094 זהר Zahar: admonish, warn, teach, shine, send out light, be light, be shining
Teach, H3384 ירא Yarah: to throw, shoot, cast, point out, Hit the Mark.
Teach, H3925 למד Lamed: learn, teach, exercise in, to be taught, be trained.
Teach, H3045 ידע Yada: to know, known, teach to know, learn to know, intimately.
Teach, H8150 שנן Shanan: to sharpen, teach (incisively), teach diligently, to be pierced.
Sin, H2398 חטא Châṭâ': to sin, to miss, miss the way, Miss the Mark.