Week #1: B'reshiyth - In the Beginning

Genesis 1:1 - 6:8
October 25th - 26th

Note: Click each scripture reference to read the passage. Click each Strongs reference to access the Hebrew word definition.

Related Passages

Isaiah 42:5 - 43:10
Matthew 1:1-17
Matthew 19:3-9
Luke 3:23-38
Luke 10:1-12
John 1:1-18
1 Corinthians 6:15-20
1 Corinthians 15:35-58
Romans 5:12-21

Start the Biblical year out with a Great Hunger and Thirst for HIS Righteousness and the Word, Yeshua

Genesis 1:1 "B'reshiyth bara' elohim את et ha shamayim v'et את ha eretz

1:1 Genesisבראשׁית ברא אלהים את השׁמים ואת הארץ ׃

In The Beginning was the את Aleph-Tav heaven & the את Aleph Tav earth. John said in Revelation that Yeshua is the Aleph-Tav. YESHUA is the Aleph-Tav!!!

Everything was created by Yeshua. Revelation 4:11, Colossians 1:6; John 1:3
This is the Year to Build the Body. 1 Corinthians 14:12

This is the Year of “To Find HIS Fullness in YOU” My New Beginning!!

A Few Hebrew Definitions

  • Light, H216 אור or: light of day, light of heavenly (moon, sun, stars) light of lamp.

  • Rested, H7673 שבת shâbath: to cease, desist, rest, to keep or observe the Sabbath.

  • Tree, H6086 עץ êts: tree, wood, timber, stock, plank, stalk, stick, gallows (Messiah).

  • Life, H2416 חי chai: living, alive (adjective), life.

  • Beginning, H7225 ראשית reshiyth: used 53 times as beginning 18, first, 11, firstfruits, 11, chief, 8, chiefest, 1, firstfruit, 1, much, 1, principal, 1, time, 1.

  • God, H430 אלהים Elohim: The plural attributes of Yahweh, He is one Eloi. Exodus 34:6-7.

  • Good, H2896 טוב ṭôb: good, pleasant, agreeable (adjective).

  • Heavens, H8064 שמים ׁShamayim: heavens, sky, abode of the stars, atmosphere, Heaven the abode of Yahweh. Greek, G3772 ouranos: the concept of elevation.

  • Earth, H776 ארץ eretz: the land, earth, inhabitants-YOU.