Metzora - Infected Ones
Leviticus 14:1 - 15:33
April 25th, 2020
Pastor Curtis Taylor
Leviticus 15:31 “You must keep the children of Yisra'el separate (Niddah) from their uncleanness, (the things of the world that defile them) that makes them unclean…”
Leviticus 14 — A picture of Yeshua, Redemption: Here we see the restoration process from areas of life (unclean/Tamei) that have defiled us. Then the sprinkling of Blood and Oil, which is Yeshua’s atonement of Salvation (Yeshuati), then the oil of the Ruach HaKodesh. It’s all about choosing Life (Deuteronomy 30:19).
Leviticus 15 — A great picture of the realms of unclean discharges in the lives of God’s people. These are all His people in His Israel in the wilderness. If you are of the order of Levi, then all these realms will make you unclean as you minister your priestly duties. But, If, If, If you are of the Order of Melchizedec, then as Yeshua “changed their status”, so can you change yours. Are you walking in that realm?
Leviticus 13-14 — Laws of Tzaras. Results of Sin in Our Life (see #4)
Love God with all your Heart. Deuteronomy 6:5
Circumcise Heart. Deuteronomy 10:16, 30:6, Jeremiah 4:4
Can you name some areas that keep our Hearts UNCLEAN!!
Critical Spirit.
Causing Dissension
Selfish Ambitions
Evil Tongue
Not being the light and salt.
Evil , bad thoughts
Not taking those thoughts captive.
Galatians 5:19-21; immorality, uncleanness, indecency, idolatry, drug sorcery, hatred, quarrels, jealousies, fits of rage, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, envy, murders, drunkenness, wild parties, and the like
The Evil Tongue, Lashon Hara is the basis for many forms of evil, unrighteousness, Tzaras, & the realms of unclean death, (Galatians 3:19-21)
Jealousy and evil tongue—Miriam, Numbers 12:1-16
Subversion, Proverbs 10:31
Slander, Psalm 17:4
Flattery, Psalm 5:9
Mischief/Trouble, Psalm 10:7
Arrogance, Psalm 12:4
Hurts, Psalm 52:2
Falsehood, Proverbs 17:4; 6:17; 12:19; 21:6; 26:28; Psalms 78:36; 120:2-3; Micah 6:12
Viper, Psalm 140:3
Bow or Arrow, Jeremiah 9:3
Sword, Psalms 57:4; 64:3; Hosea 7:16
Razor, Psalm 52:2, it devours, Psalm 52:4
Life and Death are in the Tongue, Proverbs 18:21 Build up or destroy, give life or death.
Full of Poison, All of James 3 8. Weapon, Jereniah 18:18
Don’t even think bad thoughts, Ecclesiastes 10:20; take every thought captive to Yeshua. II Corinthians 10:3-5.
Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so he is…”
Our thoughts become our strongholds. They will take root and manifest into our lives.
Dwell on reals of the World!! The World’s seduction/Spirit of Baal/Anti-Messiah) and then these realms will manifest into your life as Fruit (rotten fruit)! Therefore, dwell on Him without ceasing! (Philippians 4:7-8)
Isaiah 11:11 It will happen in that day the Lord will set his hand again the 2nd time to recover the remnant that is left of his people. ”
Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105; The Torah is the light of the pathway, Halach.
Deuteronomy 32:46-47 “Set your heart to all the words which I am testifying against you today, that ye command your sons to observe to do all the words of this Torah, for
1 John 2:3 “this is how we know that we know him: if we keep his mitzvot.” (wisdom) Read
Proberbs 1:7 The fear of יהוה is the beginning of knowledge1 ; Fools despise wisdom and discipline.
John 2:5 “But whoever keeps his word, (if, if, if you keep His word?) God's love has most certainly been perfected in him. This is how we know that we are in him ”
Jeremiah 6:16 “So says YHVH, Stand by the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you shall find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘we will not walk in it.’ ”
Matthew 22:3 “and he sent his slaves to call those being invited to the wedding feast, but they did not desire to come.”
John 10:27 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. ”
I John 2:6, are we following Him, His word, Torah, His instruction and walking as He walked??
Matthew 25:6 “come out” to meet Him= “exerehomai,” come out from among them, escape, flee. This Greek word is the same word used in Revelation 18:4 “And I heard another voice out of Heaven saying, my people, come out of her, that you may not share in her sins, and that you may not receive of her plagues… ”
Be Life!