Sukkot, Day Four - God's Kingdom vs the World's System

October 17th, 2019

Yahweh’s Kingdom

  • Walk by faith grounded obedience

  • Yahweh’s voice

  • Submission to His will

Consists of:

  1. What we can’t see

  2. Often defies science

  3. Not limited to man-made rules or expectations

  4. What we know from time-to-time

The World’s System

  • Walk by our own logic

  • Our emotions

Limited to:

  1. What we can see

  2. What we can prove

  3. What rules or expectations man puts on it

  4. What we have always known


  • Jobs

  • Finances

  • Time

  • Family

  • Food

  • Health

  • Leisure

  • Service

  • Worship & Study

Do we really have the heart to submit all these areas to Him?

Stop!!! Before you make the same decisions, before you walk in the same patterns,

Start submitting all areas to His voice.


Hebrews 11:1, 3 “And belief is the substance of what is expected, the proof of what is not seen. . . .By belief, we understand that the ages were prepared by the word of Elohim, so that what is seen was not made of what is visible.”

Matthew 3:2 “Repent, for the Reign of the heavens is at hand (has come near, is within hand’s reach).”



  • Jobs

  • Finances

  • Time

  • Family

  • Food

  • Health

  • Leisure

  • Service

  • Worship & Study

When we do submit these areas to Him, we access the Kingdom now!

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