Week #20: Tetzaveh - You Shall Command

Week #20: Tetzaveh - You Shall Command

Exodus 27:20 - 30:10
March 2nd - 8th

All of us fear judgment.  No one likes to go to traffic court for a violation.  Certainly we don't crave hearing our bosses' evaluation of our performance.  And when we ponder the fact that God looks down upon us and judges us, it is quite a scary thought.

Week #19: Terumah - Contributions

Week  #19: Terumah - Contributions

Exodus 25:1 - 27:19
February 23rd - March 1st

Ha Mishkan: The Tabernacle. This is where God dwells, and loves it, as in Psalms 26:8. In the beginning of Parasha Terumah (Exodus 25:1-7), God tells Moshe (Moses) to collect donations from all Israel for the building materials of the Tabernacle. He mentions the specific materials that they should bring such as gold, silver, copper, turquoise, & wool. Why must they bring specific materials?

Week #18: Mishpatim - Ordinances of Yahweh

Week #18: Mishpatim - Ordinances of Yahweh

Exodus 21:1 - 24:18
February 16th - 22nd

"If a bull gores..." Do you gore others with your doctrine? Are you "a pit without water"? Do you give a well without Living Water? Find out how to give Life.

Week #17: Yitro - Jethro

Week #17: Yitro - Jethro

Exodus 18:1 - 20:26
February 9th - 15th

Jethro is a man of the world, (just like us). Why does Jethro come to Moses? Because the whole world heard about the Red Sea (a disaster for Egypt), and then another nation destroyed - the Amalekites!! Jethro was a seeker of Truth, a man with a heart for God’s truth! He then gives his life to Yahweh, making an offering to Him, and becomes one of the First Fruits of the Gentiles. Yahweh gives us guidance; The Ten Words-Aseret haDevarim. (John 1) Yeshua at Mount Sinai-Horeb.

Week #16: Beshalach - When He Sent

Week #16: Beshalach - When He Sent

Exodus 13:17 - 17:16
January 21st - 27th

Yahweh becomes the Guide to the Children, Joseph is honored; It’s all about His presence; Cloud & Fire. Just this section alone has three different examples of our lives; “Murmuring, grumbling, complaining”, all Evil Tongue, La shon Hara. I think we are just like them. Oh, plus there are many signs & wonders. Is that for the believers or the unbelievers? We also have water from the Rock, Yeshua (1Cor 10:4) & the Tree of Life; “Etz Chaim”. Haftarah: Judges 4.4-5.31; Just as the God fearing Moses went to Battle and God prevailed, Devorah was God’s anointed and God miraculously confused and prevailed over the Canaanites and Yahweh prevailed. A Good Summary see Isaiah 43:15-20