Week #15: Bo - Come!

Week #15: Bo - Come!

Exodus 10:1 - 13:16
January 26th - February 1st

Gather, Don’t Scatter!

This one has it all, if you look. It has the Passover lamb, the first fruits, the Bread of Life, the Picture of Yeshua’s life, covenants to all HIS people, to all generations. My deliver is coming!

Week #14: Va'era - And I, YHVH, Appeared

Week #14: Va'era - And I, YHVH, Appeared

Exodus 6:2 - 9.35
January 19th - 25th

These children were promised deliverance and blessings and then they received such hardships, persecution, trials and tribulations, have you experienced any trials and tribulations? We need more straw for the brick! Where are the blessings? After the promise of the blessings and deliverance, have you ever said, “Where are you, Yeshua?” “Those who feared the Word of the Almighty among the servants of Pharaoh brought their servants and their cattle into the houses. And those who did not pay attention to the word of the Almighty left their servants and cattle in the field." (Exodus 9:20-21) Is this the opposite of „The Fear of the Lord? Do you think we have been listening to the ”Word of God‟? (Study „Heart‟, „Hearts‟ and where they come from!)

Week #13: Shemot - Names

Week #13: Shemot - Names

Exodus 1:1 - 6:1
January 12th - 18th

This representation in Exodus shows a powerful picture of many hidden meanings of salvation in Yeshua. A blessing of God’s prophecy and then persecution, trails and tribulation before the fulfillment, just like Joseph’s life & yours! You are to be the Type and Shadow!!!!!!!

Week #12: Vayechi - And He Lived

Week #12: Vayechi - And He Lived

Genesis 47:28 - 50:26
January 5th - 11th

I truly believe this is one of the most important understandings as to how you can be adopted into Israel. It is neither Greek nor Jew but this Spirit of Adoption, has chosen the First Born for the First Fruits offering.

Joseph is a type and shadow of Jesus/Yeshua HaMashiach and the Bride’s Journey. These last 4 studies give us the life of Joseph and a picture of Yeshua, and also a picture of the Bride, YOU!! It is also the depth of His anointing and his 3 realms of imprisonment; (Babylon‘s three divisions; Rev 16:19). His obedience is HIS deliverance; it is the “Yeshua Life” alive in YOU! A Few Hebrew Definitions

Week #11: VaYigash - And He Drew Near

Week #11: VaYigash - And He Drew Near

Genesis 44:18 - 47-27
December 29th - January 4th

Are YOU Drawing Near to the King?

Another depiction of Joseph/Yeshua the Savior of the remnant and a picture of a complete sell out of our lives;

Give up your life & be placed in HIS hands

There are so many images of Yeshua in this study you can’t miss HIM if you tried! Notice that Joseph tells his brothers that he was sent ahead to prepare a way for the Remnant. We start out with, Judah “drew near: the King;