About Us
Pastors Curtis and Karen Taylor
How we began . . .
Pastors Curtis and Karen Taylor each started out hearing the trumpet (shofar) in their lives in their childhood. Each was raised in a home with three other siblings and with Godly parents that were faithful in their instruction to their children. Each grew up in San Diego, California. Karen was active in the ministries at her church. Curtis began the journey through Bible school, eventually becoming ordained as a pastor through Berean Bible College.
In the fall of 1972, Curtis and Karen met, and were married the following year. They have four children, one son, and three daughters. They have also been blessed with eleven grandchildren.
In their early years together, Pastor Curtis shepherded a congregation in San Diego County. looking for a deeper understanding of God’s Word, they always felt there was more than the standard doctrines, of the churches they attended and led. Together, they began many successful businesses and at the age of 40, Curtis retired. He had achieved the goals he had set out to accomplish. But there was more . . .
In 1988 they left California and moved to Colorado, where the second stage of their journey began. After several moves around the western slope they settled in Fruita.
In the Spring of 2002, they were awakened by this shofar to Yahweh’s teaching and instruction (Torah) as Pastor Curtis battled colon cancer and the 8 surgeries that followed. Through this tribulation in the lives of the Taylor family, a new beginning emerged. It began with Curtis dropping to his knees, asking forgiveness for not honoring Yahweh’s Sabbath. It began for Karen at this same time, as she struggled to release her husband to Yahweh, not knowing if Curtis would be healed or not. The Dr. told Curtis that this would be the last surgery to reconnect the colon. Neither one of them knew if it would be successful or not; it was doubtful. Yahweh had a miraculous healing plan that brought both Curtis and Karen into a new walk that has given them life abundantly.
When Yahweh opened their eyes to His Torah, (Teaching & Instruction) and let them know that it was for them and their family, everything changed. Curtis began to feel the call on his heart once again to teach and share what Yahweh had been preparing them for all these years. They began teaching their family in their home and as others heard about it, some began to ask if they could come and learn also. Beit Lechem Ministries was formed in 2003. Curtis and Karen’s children and grandchildren are all active in the ministry now.
It has been the heart of Beit Lechem Ministries ever since to encourage and train up Yahweh’s children (adults included) for His Kingdom. Every Shabbat, in addition to the teaching of the Torah, we also have our Kingdom Training where we zero in on our youth and address specific areas of instruction for discernment and wisdom. It has been an amazing journey, and one that we look forward to continuing and learning from each year as we draw nearer to our Messiah, Yeshua.