7 Feast Days of YAH
Yahweh’s Festivals, His Appointed Times!


Our Creator, YHWH (Yahweh) commanded Believers to keep and celebrate seven yearly Festivals/Appointed Times. These include Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, Weeks, Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles (Leviticus 23). Man has added some "traditional" celebrations such as Hanukkah which is preserved in the books of 1 Maccabees and 2 Maccabees; and Purim from the book of Esther, and more. Some of the more modern historical holidays include Israeli Independence Day and Holocaust Remembrance Day.

As believers in YHWH and His Son, Yeshua (a.k.a. Jesus), everyone must observe the seven Biblical feasts/festivals. Contrary to popular belief, they weren't just meant for "the Jews" (see Numbers 15:13-16) because there were no "Jews" until after Jacob begat the Tribe of Judah from which the term "Jew" is derived; yet, up until then, every believer was Torah observant, keeping the Seventh Day Sabbath and the Biblical Feasts, etc. Furthermore, these feast days have been erroneously referred to as the “Feast Days of the Jews” when they are in fact called, “The Feast Days of Yahweh.” Leviticus 23:2 Yeshua is fulfilling these feast days in His people now.

Leviticus 23 outlines these seven festivals and shows how YHWH wants us to celebrate them. The first four occur in the Springtime and the last three in the Fall, with a harvest time noted in between. As you will see, YHWH commanded a specific and fixed day for the commemoration of each festival. (These days will be found at varying times on our Gregorian calendar because man's timetable/calendar is different from God's.) Each of YHWH's Feasts foreshadows not only Yeshua, but also the sequence of events in His "Grand Plan":

Quick Overview

 Festival/Appointed Time Date Meaning Status

1. Passover/Pesach March/April Redemption/Sacrifice/Death of Messiah Fulfilled

2. Unleavened Bread/ March/April Sanctification/Burial of Messiah/No decay Fulfilled
Ha Matzot

3. Firstfruits/Grain Harvest March/April Resurrection/Resurrection of Messiah Fulfilled
Ha Bikkurim

4. Weeks/Shavuot May/June Pentecost/Holy Spirit sent by YHWH Fulfilled

5. Yom Teruah (Trumpets)/ Sept/Oct Believers' New Year/Messiah returns to Israel Future Rosh Hashana

6. Day of Atonement/ Sept/Oct Messiah Saves Israel Future Yom Kippur

7. Tabernacles/Sukkot Sept/Oct Wedding Feast/Golden Age/New Millennium Future