Week #23 - His New Beginning in Us
Leviticus 9:1 - 11:47
Pastor Wendi Wood
April 18th, 2020
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Are you carrying the load Yahweh gave you (or your own)?
Why have we deemed regular study of the Torah so important?
In Leviticus 8:33-36, Aharon and his sons were told not to go outside the Door of the Tent of Appointment for 7 days, until the days of their ordination were completed. What do you think was happening during that time?
What does ordination mean?
How is ordination different than consecration?
Nadab and Abihu were just consecrated and ordained; what was in them that when they were put into service, they brought something to Yahweh that was not prescribed?
What does it mean in Leviticus 10:7 that the anointing oil is upon you and we are not supposed to go out of the door of the Tent of appointment?
What fruit has Yahweh produced in us prior to this “Stay at Home” time that has prepared us for this time?
What is this season about? Our church cannot meet together; we have had to stay at home. We have not even been able meet in small groups. What is Yahweh’s purpose in us right now?
Will we scatter? Livestream is gathering us. What else?
Do we remember what it is like to fellowship together?
What is the fruit we are seeing?
What are our hands full of? Consecration=millu (H4394)
Our own burdens or Yahweh’s?
“And do not go outside the door of the Tent of Appointment for seven days, until the days of your ordination are completed-for he fills your hands for seven days.” Leviticus 8:33
Nadab and Abihu were consecrated, had their hands filled, but then what happened? Did they drop Yahweh’s mantle and pick up their own?
The Haftarah, 2 Samuel 6 recounts the time when King David and 30,000 chosen men of Israel, retrieve the ark from Ba’ale Judah to bring it back to Jerusalem.
What was the instruction to the priests in how to carry the ark? Why did Uzzah die?
Leviticus 10:3 “By those who come near me, let me be set-apart, (Kadosh). And before all the people, let me be esteemed!”
Are we carrying Yahweh’s presence with the esteem that should accompany it? We are ineffective if we are not carrying His presence as priests. We are just bringing death.
Do we swing the pendulum too far the other way?
Brit Chadashah Mark 7 The Pharisees make a big deal out of washing their hands before eating. Mark 7:6 “…This people respect me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.”